Thursday 18 June 2015



Myrepublica has published that SLC results will be published today at 12.30 PM. We wish all the best to people who are waiting for SLC Results Online. You can check SLC Results online today once SLC Result is published today.

You can check the link HERE to read more news about Nepal, the news about SLC Exam Result and the news about Nepal and online SLc Result.

The News further reports as follows:

KATHMANDU, June 19: Office of the Controller of Examination (OCE) (responsible for publishing SLC Result 2071-2072) is set to publish this year's SLC results at 12.30 pm this afternoon.

According to Bishnu Bahadur Dware, Exam Controller (OF SLC Examination), the (SLC Exam) results will be announced amidst a formal program from the Sanothimi-based hall of Education Department in Bhaktapur.

The Newspaper further reports on its online edition as follows:

A meeting of the (SLC) Examination Board is taking place this morning ahead of the (SLC Results 2071, SLC Results 2072, SLC Results 2071-72) results to be formally announced.

The board meeting has to endorse the (SLC Results 2071, SLC Results 2072, SLC Results 2071-72) results prior to announcement.

Over 574,000 students had appeared in the (SLC Examination) board exams that were held from March 19 to 29.

As many as 326,214 students appeared as regulars whereas 145,183 sat as exempted ones in the exams.

For the first time, the technical subject examinees will receive their results under the new grading system.

Some 32,88 students of technical subjects appeared in the SLC, 2,037 of whom were boys and 1,252 girls.

Although the office had initially predicted a two week's delay in publishing the results due to massive April 25 earthquake, it managed to speed up preparations in the last one month.

For the first time in the history of SLC exams, girls outnumbered boys as examinees.

Ekantipur, Nepal's most read News Portal, has also reported on SLC Examination result. It writes in Nepali that SLc Exam result will be announced today after mid-noon. The News can be read HERE.

The News is further as follows on SLC Exam Result (in Nepali):

एसएलसी नतिजा आज सार्वजनिक हुने (SLC Exam Result will be announced today)

काठमाडौ, असार ४ - यस वर्षको एसएलसी परीक्षाको नतिजा (the result of slc examination 2071-2072) आज शुक्रबार मध्यान्ह सार्वजनिक गरिने भएको छ । परीक्षा नियन्त्रण कार्यालय भक्तपुर (Office of the Controller of the Examination responsible for conducting SLC Exam in Nepal) ले आज साढे १२ बजे एसएलसी परीक्षाको नतिजा (the result of SLC Examination) सार्वजनिक गर्न लागेको हो ।
कार्यालयले गत चैतमा लिएको परीक्षाको नतिजा सार्वजनिक गर्न आज साढे १० बजे माध्यमिक परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण बोर्ड बैठक राखेको छ । परीक्षा नियन्त्रक विष्णुबहादुर द्वारेले भने, 'सम्पूर्ण तयारी सकियो । साढे १० बजे बोर्ड बैठक राखेका छौं । साढे १२ बजे शिक्षा विभागको हलमा पत्रकार सम्मेलन गरेर नतिजा सार्वजनिक गर्छौँ ।'
परीक्षामा ५ लाख ७१ हजार विद्यार्थी सहभागी थिए । यसमा नियमित तर्फ ४ लाख २६ हजार विद्यार्थी थिए भने प्राविधिक तर्फ ३ हजार २ सय ८८ विद्यार्थी सहभागी थिए ।

You can check your SLC Results Online from Kantipur Site. They have already provided the Link. Visit

On the top of the page, you can see the link which you can click and check your SLC Result Online today after SLC Result is announced by SLC Board, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur.

After you Click the link, you will reach to this page:

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