Saturday, 13 June 2015

Ready to check your SLC Result Online 2071, slc result online 2072

For those of you who are waiting for slc 2071, slc 2072 exam results, there is a good news with us. We will be publishing results of slc 2071, slc 2072 in this blog and you can check your slc exam results online for free.

On the day when slc 2071, slc 2072 result is out, our team will be working the whole day and makes every attempt to bring the result to you. With our every efforts behind the curtains, we want to make the process of checking SLC Examination Results easy and smooth for everyone. We will be publishing also the list of other websites from where you can check SLC Results online.

In this post, we are letting you know that the following government and private websites will have facility to check your SLC Examination results online:

1. - Website of Ministry of Education, Government of Nepal - यो वेबसाइट बाट एसएलसीको रिजल्ट आएपछि सजिलै हेर्न सकिनेछ - You can easily check the result of SLC Exam Result 2071/72 Online for free from this website.

2. - Website of Department of Education, Government of Nepal - - यो वेबसाइट बाट एसएलसीको रिजल्ट आएपछि सजिलै हेर्न सकिनेछ - You can easily check the result of SLC Exam Result 2071/72 Online for free from this website.

3. - Website of the Office of the Controller of Education, Government of Nepal, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur - Office of the Controller of Education, Government of Nepal, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur is responsible for conducting SLC Examination in Nepal and will be responsible for announcing SLC result 2071 slc result 2072.

4.  - Website maintained by Nepal Telecom for updating of SLC Exam Results. Those students and parents who are looking for SLC Exam results online for free can also get the SLC Examination result from this site.

Please keep on visiting our blog for more updates on SLC Result 2071 and SLC Result 2072 update. We will provide information on SLC Exam Result continuously on coming days!! All the best to everyone waiting for SLC Exam Results 2071-2072.